Purposed Financial Corp.
We were birthed out of a sense of discontent with the direction the financial industry was headed and whether the desires of the client were truly being heard and met.
Just as there are basic principles which govern the function and operation of the planets, there are principles that govern the function and operation of life, money, and the economy. Society, in a quest to maximize opportunity and resources, has inadvertently created conditions which are extracting an enormous cost from individuals, families, industry, and ultimately society as a whole.
Purposed Financial Corp., as the name denotes, exists to assist each person as they identify and move toward realizing their full life purposes and indeed “build foundations for life”. We are dedicated to facilitate responsible, thoughtful “financial planning” which will include making educated financial choices in pursuit of clearly defined primary objectives.
“It is our direction, not our intentions that determine our destinations.” (Stanley, p. 14, 2010)
Purpose Financial Corp. exists to:
· Build foundations for life,
- We believe people, when given accurate information, endeavor to make wise choices with their finances. Our job is to ensure that people are using accurate and relevant information to make good financial decisions affecting not only their lives, but also the lives of those for which they bear responsibility.
- Build “Financial blueprints” to ensure strategic and effective use of resources.
Our Values
- Purposed Financial Corp. values transformational vs transactional client relationships. We value serving clients who also desire to build transformational lives, families, charities, and businesses.
- We value what you have to say.
- We value honesty and integrity while working with recognized client specific appropriate financial strategies.
- We value growth and development in the area of our expertise and look to consistently provide the best the industry has to offer
- We value dedication and responsibility. We are on this journey together.
- We value clarity-understanding in all areas of our client relationship.

Voted in top 5 financial advisors in Canada for 2015-2024 by KMI Media
Aaron Ruston - A CEO hitting the high notes for investors - WealthProfessionals.ca
Aaron Ruston,
Aaron has been in the financial services industry for 40 years. Coming from a rural background and having seen the negative impact, on a personal level, that a lack of properly implemented financial planning can have on a family’s dreams was the catalyst for the decision to step into the financial industry. Starting with The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and moving into the Independent financial advisory field has provided a vast wealth of knowledge and experience through in-depth consulting in Canada as well as the USA in areas of finance, taxation and investing related to personal and corporate matters. The last 16 years have included extensive involvement in the charitable sector filling roles as Director of Corporate, Foundation and Planned Gifts with Briercrest College and Seminary and Director of Development with the Miracle Channel of Lethbridge Alberta as well as working with numerous other charities and their donors to assure the purposes of both parties are realized in a mutually beneficial manner. International studies, speaking engagements, teaching and media consultancy on a national and international level has developed a unique and highly effective perspective on all facets of strategic financial planning and the implementation process involved to maximize benefits while minimizing the eroding effect of government and legal system levied fees and taxes.
In his personal life, Aaron has been married to his wonderful and tolerant wife Nancy for 30 years through which they have been blessed with two children, Kaylee and Tallon.
With these new developments, the following are a few of the areas in which we are now able to assist our clients and those around them:
Debt Counselling
Effective tax planning and tax return preparation
TFSA, RSP, RIF, and RESP accounts
Retirement and Pension Income Planning
Travel Insurance
Life and Accident Insurance
House/ Auto Insurance
Farm/ Commercial Insurance
All forms of Investment and Savings choices
Full Chartered Bank services
Personal, Commercial and Farm Mortgages and Leasing
Farm Succession Planning
Business Succession Planning
Full Trust Services